Microscope satellite embeds Syrlinks' radio products
The Microscope space mission is the result of a collaboration between the CNES (French National Center for Space Studies), the Côte d’Azur Observatory and ZARM (Bremen, Germany). It aims to test Albert Einstein’s principal of equivalence with unmatched accuracy. The universality of the freefall or the principal of equivalence present the following observation: all objects fall at the same speed whatever their nature and mass.
This test, initiated in April 2016, is carried out aboard the third microsatellite of the CNES Myriade branch dedicated to fundamental physics. The satellite has since revolved around the Earth at more than 700 kilometers of altitude.
Syrlinks takes part in the Microscope mission thanks to the G-SPHERE-S GPS receiver. This equipment is a key element of satellite control, as it allows an exact restitution of the operational orbit on board. The receiver provides a precise PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) and an availability distinction of 99.4%.
The performance quality of the G-SPHERE-S is mainly due to the use of the latest-generation components offering a high level of performance, flexibility and scalability and low power consumption. The G-SPHERE-S GPS receiver has been operational for over a year.
Two S-band transceivers EWC15 from Syrlinks were also fitted for this mission. They make it possible to check the satellite proper functioning and transmit the information between the Earth's stations and the satellite.
The first results of the Microscope Satellite were published in December 2017. They confirm Galileo’s theory and Albert Einstein’s principle with a precision 10 times greater than what has already been used to challenge the principle of equivalence.
The Microscope mission willy carry on until March 2018, when the final results on the universality of freefall will be revealed.