

Syrlinks has been selected by the CNES (French National Center for Space Studies) to provide the radio communication equipment for the next generation of Myriade Evolutions micro satellites.

The orbital lifetime of the MYRIADE EVOLUTION platform’s radio equipment can reach up to 10 years. Syrlinks’ equipment relies on know-how related to the use of COTS components in the space domain.

Since the ROSETTA mission, the Syrlinks team has been working with the CNES in the implementation of specific design and qualifications rules in order to verify the resistance of COTS components to spatial environmental constraints (impacts, temperatures and radiations).

Syrlinks provides X-band Telemetry Payload transmitters and S-Band Telemetry and Telecontrol (TMTC) transceivers. In order to answer the needs of 10-year missions in orbit, the equipment provided for this platform must conform to ESA Class 3 (ECSS-Q-ST-60C).

PerùSAT is the first satellite to have embarked the Syrlinks EWC-30 X-band transmitter. For more than a year, the EWC-30 transmitter has gained flight experience and demonstrated all of its capabilities: broadband telemetry, low power consumption and reliability.